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Schedule A Meeting

Schedule A Meeting with King James Lending Private Money Lender

Schedule A Meeting With Your Lender Today!

At King James Lending, we are focused on developing lifelong relationships.

We want to meet each and every client in-person so we can get to know you and help you reach your goals.

You require nothing but yourself to book a meeting. Just choose a date and time.

We look forward to meeting you and doing business.

You will be informed and empowered from this meeting!

During our initial meeting together we will go over:

  • Your Goals

  • Your Experience

  • Deal Analysis

  • Working Together

  • Our Loan Terms

  • Our Processes

We will sit down and talk about all the points described above. On your first meeting, our one and only goal is to determine what avenues to pursue to help you reach that next level!


The Required Documents for King James Lending

  • Identification or Driver's License

    Government issued Identification card or driver's license. Because we are talking about large sums of money and building wealth, there is a need to verify each and every person wanting to meet.

  • Company Resolution Documents

    We can only lend to incorporated entities. If this is your first loan with us, please bring your Corporation, LLC, or LP Certificate of Formation.
    If you do not have one, we can help you get started.

  • Comparative Market Analysis

    Bring your CMAs so that we can evaluate the soundness of the deal. As a borrower one of your duties is to make sure your deal is healthy and profitable. We want you to be a Partner 4 Life. Bring your calculations and we will make sure all is well.

See you soon!